Post date: Jan 21, 2015 7:08:03 PM

Curriculum Director Shane Cassida informed the Board at the January 5, 2015 meeting that the members of the Credit by Demonstrated Mastery District Team consisting of himself, Student Services Director Pete Peterson, MHHS Principal Kevin Huskins, Cane River Principal Alton Robinson, East Yancey Principal Angie Anglin, and Career and Technical Education Director Cynthia Deyton had developed and were requesting Board approval on the YCS Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM) Plan. Mr. Cassida continued that this plan would allow students to earn credit in a particular course without require “class seat time”. Mr. Cassida shared in a PowerPoint presentation information detailing that for the 2014-15 school year, two courses – Microsoft Office (CTE) and Civics/Economics are offered for CDM. Mr. Cassida added that the district team would meet in the summer of 2015 to determine the success of implementation and the possibility of adding additional courses and access to middle school students for CDM. Mr. Cassida then detailed the requirements for a student to earn CDM and there was discussion regarding this opportunity for students. The District Team will report back to the Board the progress and implementation of this plan. The following link provides the detaild Credit by Demonstrated Mastery Plan for Yancey County Schools.